Question of the Day - Day 4 Winners
Here are the winners and toppers of the Question of the Day - Day 4
Meenakshi S Pillai, 7 A - Library Points : 25
Vedakalyani K B, 7 D - Library Points : 24
Mithra . S, 7 C - Library Points : 24
Diya. D.P , 9 B - Library Points : 24
Meera Vipin, 7 B - Library Points : 24
Bhadra K B, 7 D - Library Points : 24
Rahul Manoj, 9 B - Library Points : 24
Amisha.M.B, 7 C - Library Points : 24
Diya Krishnan, 8 C - Library Points : 24
Meghna Manoj , 8 C - Library Points : 24
Ardra.R, 7 B - Library Points : 24
Devananda R, 7 B - Library Points : 24
Pavithra R, 7 B - Library Points : 23
Shreya.S, 8 D - Library Points : 23
Aman Rahman, 4 A - Library Points : 23
NIVEDA P, 10 C - Library Points : 22
Fidha Rahman, 8 D - Library Points : 22
NIVEDA P , 10 C - Library Points : 22
Swathy Krishna M S, 7 A - Library Points : 22
Amir Ali I, 7 D - Library Points : 22
Niswana R N, 9 C - Library Points : 22
Alfiya Sulthana. N, 8 B - Library Points : 22
Neha P R , 7 B - Library Points : 22
Tejashri S Nair, 7 D - Library Points : 22
Gayathri Das K, 8 C - Library Points : 22
CH Krishna, 7 C - Library Points : 21
ARJUN R, 9 C - Library Points : 21
V.Amrutha, 7 C - Library Points : 20
Adarsh Raj Kannan , 8 B - Library Points : 20
Jiya Ajith, 6 D - Library Points : 20
Chandana Shree, 6 B - Library Points : 20
Yutika, 9 B - Library Points : 20
All the participants will get their scores as library points and the points are already added to the accounts. The points for participation in Day 4 challenge is 5.
Title of the Book: Eagles Over Bangladesh: The Indian Air Force in the 1971 Liberation War
Author: P. V. S. Jagan Mohan, Samir Chopra
About the Book: This book is a very well researched chronicle of the role played by the Indian Air Force during the 1971 war. P V S Jagan Mohan is a military historian who has written other books on war. Samir Chopra is a Professor of Philosophy at Brooklyn College and has many books to his credit
How they got the answers (in their own words)
The picture was 4 eagles flying over Bangladesh in the map. I googled "4 Eagles on Bangladesh" which led to non-fiction book :"Eagles Over Bangladesh: The Indian Air Force in the 1971 Liberation War".
This was an easy puzzle , I searched EAGLE BAGLADESH 1971 book in google and I got the results.
Eagles in the picture was flying over the country Bangladesh. And also the year 1971 was given, which help me to find the title of the book and also it was also a non fiction book.
I searched 1971 Bangladesh eagles in Google books so the book Eagles Over Bangladesh: The Indian Air Force in the 1971 Liberation War was there and I gave this as it's appropriate to the figure.
I just typed in the web,"eagles of Bangladesh 1971" then I got the result "Eagles Over Bangladesh: The Indian Air Force in the 1971 Liberation War".
The year (1971) in the bottom right corner, the country shown in the picture (Bangladesh) as well as this being a non-fiction book meant that this was about 1971 war.
I looked into the picture, and I saw the eagle was in bangladesh then I searched [eagle bangladesh ] in the google and I got the title of the book.
From the puzzle I got words as 'eagle' , 'Bangladesh' and '1971'.I searched in Google like "Bangladesh eagle 1971 book" and got the answer as "Eagles Over Bangladesh"
I solved the puzzle by searching eagles in Bangladesh book and got the title of the book as Eagles Over Bangladesh : The Indian Air Force in the 1971 Liberation War .
By looking at the puzzle I thought the title of the book will be something related to Bangladesh and eagle .So I searched like Bangladesh eagle non fiction book name.Thus I got the name of the book.
When I observed the picture I thought that it was 'Eagles From Bangladesh'. So I searched in google for 'Eagles from Bangladesh 1971' and found the answer.
I solved this puzzle using google, In google I searched eagle Bangladesh book and when the results came at the 1st it was this book which matched with the puzzle
first I searched for "eagles 1971" but I didn't get the answer. then searched for "eagles India 1971" then got the answers at first.
I searched Google Eagles Bangladesh Book then i found the title of the book.
Sir l saw some EAGLES flying over Bangladesh, Sir then l searched Eagles of Bangladesh, so in Google results it shows EAGLES over Bangladesh.
I searched Google for Eagles of Bangladesh. The results shown was about "Eagles over Bangladesh".
Sir l have seen some eagles flying over Bangladesh . Sir then l searched the internet for Eagles of Bangladesh , then l got the Google results as EAGLES OVER BANGLADESH.
With the given clues 'eagles' ,'Bangladesh',and year '1971' , searched in google for non fiction book.Google simply shows the book title.
In google, I searched books related to four eagles flying over Bangladesh
I searched on Google "Bangladesh for eagles books" and I got the result as 'Eagles over Bangladesh'
From the given picture I got the clues bangladesh and eagles, then I reffered in google.
First I just searched in google for "eagle Bangladesh 1971" I got "Eagles over Bangladesh" When I scrolled down I confirmed my answer
I searched key words ' Book Eagles Bangladesh ' and as a result I got the book Eagles over Bangladesh
The Eagles were on Bangladesh and in the side 1971 was written so, I just searched eagles on Bangladesh 1971 and some sites come up and in that there was a book called "Eagles over Bangladesh"
In that clue there is eagles, and the place is Bangladesh and there is a year - 1971" so i searched in google "eagles, Bangladesh and 1971 book" then I go the book's name.
From the first glance i got the idea it was regarding the bangladesh liberation war of 1971 so with this clue i searched 'Bangladesh eagles 1971' in google then the name came. Thats how i cracked it.
"When I observe the picture I saw a eagle on the Bangladesh, so I had in Google that eagle and Bangladesh book,
So I got the title Eagles over Bangladesh"
By searching Eagle And Bangladesh
"When I saw the eagles on Bangladesh and 1971,I sreached Google Book names with eagle on Bangladesh and 1971. So,I got the Title and Authors name😊."
Previous Challenges and Winners
Question of the Day - Day 6 Winners
...Question of the Day - Day 5 - Winners
...Question of the Day - Day 6 Book Title Challenge
...Question of the Day - Day 4 Winners
...Question of the Day - Day 5 Book Title Challenge
...Question of the Day - Day 3 Winners
...Question of the Day - Day 4 - Book Title Challenge
...Question of the Day - Day 2 Winners
...Question of the Day - Day 3 Book Title Challenge
...Question of the Day - Day 1 Winners
...Question of the Day - Day 2 Book Title Challenge
...Question of the Day - Day 1 Book Title Challenge
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