Friday, March 28.
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      Ek Bharat Shresht Bharat - Himachal Pradesh Quiz 2020

      The "Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat" Programme,aims to actively enhance interaction between people of diverse cultures living in different States and UT's in India, with the objective of promoting greater mutual understanding amongst them.As per the programme, each year, every State/UT would be paired with another State/UT in India for reciprocal interaction between the people. It is envisaged through this exchange, that the knowledge of the language, culture, traditions and practices of different states will lead to an enhanced understanding and bonding between one another, thereby strengthening the unity & integrity of India. The States & UTs are to embark on a mission to enhance their culture, academic and economic ties by entering into a wide range of mutual engagements with the paired States/UTs covering the spheres of music, drama, cuisine, language, history, tourism and other forms of exchange between the people. As a part of "Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat " activities, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India is conducting Quiz Competition from 1st January 2020 to 30th June 2020.In these quiz, contestants from each state will be quizzed on respective pairing state & winners will be taken on tour to their respective pairing state as reward.

      Himachal Pradesh Quiz 2020
      Open For : Contestant from Kerala state
      End Date : 31/01/2020 23:59
      Questions : 20, Duration : 300 Seconds
      Rewards : Winners from Kerala state will be taken on tour

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