Saturday, March 29.
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      About Library, KV Kanjikode

      Established in the year 1986, Kendriya Vidyalaya Kanjikode caters to the educational needs of the children of floating population like the employees of central govt. offices, defence personnel, ex-service men and other transferable employees liable for frequent transfers.
      KVK library is fully automated with the library software developed in house by the Librarian. The School Library hosted its Intranet in the month of August 2010 making available the facilities like Online Public Access Catalogue, online reservation, book suggestions, online quiz etc. The demand from students to have accces to the online library services from their home motivated us to host the library website on Internet.
      KVK library at present have a collection of about 12000 books and subscribes to 42 magazines and four newspapers. To motivate maximum utilisation of library resources, various competitions and activities are organised every year.

      This KV Library Blog was started in the year 2012. The school library started its own full-fledged website in the year 2011 providing all types of online services. The library also launched its mobile app in 2017.

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      Achievements of Library

      • Indian Reading Olympiad - Reading for Pleasure Award Distribution
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      • NCERT National Innovation and Experimentation Award to the Librarian
         Mr. Mujib Rahiman K U, Librarian KV Kanjikode won the NCERT 'National Awards for Innovative Practices and Experiments in Education for Schools and Teacher Education Institutions" 2019-20 for the project "Let's be Cyber Smart".The project…
      • Librarian Selected for Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching 2022
         Mr. Mujib Rahiman K U, Librarian Kendriya Vidyalaya Kanjikode has been selected for the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers for 2021-22 with distinction of being the first school librarian from India…
      • Librarian Wins National Award to Teachers 2023
         Mr. Mujib Rahiman KU, Librarian, Kendriya Vidyalaya Kanjikode was selected for the prestigious National Award to Teachers 2023.Citation from MOEMr. Mujib Rahiman K U has exemplified himself to be a dedicated and motivated library science…
      • KVS National Innovation and Experimentation Award 2019 to Mr. Mujib Rahiman, Librarian
        Mr. Mujib Rahiman K.U, Librarian, Kendriya Vidyalaya Kanjikode won the KVS National Innovation and Experimentation Award 2019 for the project titled "Library Points: Rewarding the Readers". The award was presented by Mr. Santosh Kumar…
      • KV Kanjikode Library Wins 'Reading for Pleasure' School Award - 3rd India Reading Olympiad
        Kendriya Vidyalaya Kanjikode Libary won 3rd India Reading Olympiad "Reading for Pleasure" School Award instituted by Food 4 Thought Foundation, Hyderabad for the innovative practices of the library to promote reading habit.The Virtual Award Ceremony…
      • Library Technology Conclave 2019 - LibTech Award Nomination
        Kendriya Vidyalaya Kanjikode Library was one among the eight libraries shortlisted for the LibTech Award 2019 for the Best Technology Enabled Library in India. Two Kendriya Vidyalaya libraries (KV Kanjikode and KV Pattom) were there in the…