Monday, March 17.
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    Question of the Day - Day 2 Winners

    The winners of  Day 2 Book Title Challenge are:

    Neha P R, 7 B - Library Points : 28

    Fidha Rahman, 8 D - Library Points : 28

    Vedakalyani K B, 7 D - Library Points : 28

    Swathy Krishna M S, 7 A - Library Points : 28

    Yutika, 9 B - Library Points : 28

    Tejashri S Nair, 7 D - Library Points : 26

    Pavithra R, 7 B - Library Points : 25

    Niswana R N, 9 C - Library Points : 25

    CH Krishna, 7 C - Library Points : 25

    Mithra . s , 7 C - Library Points : 25

    Ardra.R, 7 B - Library Points : 25

    Bhadra K B, 7 D - Library Points : 25

    Vignesh , 9 C - Library Points : 25


    Many students solved the challenge and got the correct book and author, but did not answer other questions properly. 

    You have to write what you have learned about the book in your own words to get maximum points, not copy-paste from any website.

    Your library points are added to your library account.


    Title of the Book: A Midsummer Night's Dream

    Author: William Shakespeare (He is often called the national poet of England)

    Other Information

    Neil Gaiman's comic series The Sandman uses the play in the 1990 issue A Midsummer Night's Dream. This issue was the first and only comic to win the World Fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction, in 1991. In which Shakespeare's son  Hamnet appears  as the Indian boy.

    Three of the moons of the planet Uranus are named after characters from the play. Puck, Oberon, and Titania.

    The play has been adapted to movie many times.  The director of the 1988 blockbuster film Die Hard, John McTiernan, has stated that he was inspired by Shakespeare’s play to set the action of his film over the course of one night. Ironically, the action of A Midsummer Night’s Dream doesn’t occur over a single night.

    How they got their answers (in their own words)

    • The symbol Σ is used to denote a sum. Adding "er" made some sense. Moon and stars are obviously seen at night. Then I googled " Summer night play " and I got a play named "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
    • I tried to solve the 3 Σ with er then I found summer and the last was dream as we draw the dream symbol like that then I searched google the books with dream title and the book matching with puzzle
    • I took help from google, first I searched for only son of the "playwrite", and I got the answer as "Hamnet Shakespeare" so the author is WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR.I searched for his plays, then I got this.
    • I guessed that the writer is Shakespeare, as he is the national poet of England. I searched about the name of his plays and found 'A midsummer night's dream'.
    • When I was searching for Midnight dream Google recommended "midnight dream Shakespeare" I clicked it and read about it and got the answer.
    • The symbol means sum or total therefore sum+er=summer then the letters er is just below the middle sigma sign. Then I searched the play name starting with midsummer then I got Midsummer night's dream.
    • I solved with the help of internet. I found the title of the play by searching for, "the only comic to win the World Fantasy Awards for Best Short Fiction". Then I searched for author and son's name.
    • I found out that William Shakespeare had credit in the sandman websearch. He was the national poet of England. Then I went through the plays. I related the name with picture - Sum, er night, dream 
    • From the given clue , position of mathematical symbol 'middle '+ mathematical symbol means 'sum',+ 'er' and night dreams signs ,searched in Google .Thus I got the name of the play .
    • I immediately thought of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', as soon as I saw the moon and the sleep bubble. The summation symbol with the 'ER' and the clue - 'the national poet' made me sure about my guess.
    • I solve the puzzle by searching it with the clue 'night dream'.So it already showed the answer 'A midsummer night's dream'.
    • I first typed in the web that "National poet of",Then I saw "National poet of England, Pakistan,India"etc. So I chose randomly England.And I got my result and I scrolled down and found he writes plays
    • I searched google for "stage play related to middle summer moon" 

    Previous Challenges and Winners

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