Manorama News Fest Learning Puzzle Series 2
Register and participate in the Manorama News Fest Learning Puzzle Series 2. The fest, which is a daily quiz that can be completed in five minutes, will take place from January 13 to 21.
Staff, Students, parents and alumni can participate representing the school.
Malayala Manorama is organising the event to provide a great opportunity for alumni to express their gratitude and love towards their alma mater. Schools can win prizes costing up to Rs 2 lakh in the contest. There are over 25,000 prizes on offer for the participants, including two-wheelers, gold coins, cycles, smartwatches and pens.
The quiz will be a reading test based on the newspaper reports, and students, former students, parents, and teachers can take part. Click here for registration.
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Total individual points scored for the school
Lucky draw among top 50 schools
Mega Bumper Prizes (2 Winners)
Smart Classrooms (WORTH ₹2 LAKHS).
Lucky draw among top 50 schools.
Smart Classrooms (WORTH ₹1 LAKHS).
Lucky draw among top 50 schools
Bumper Prizes (8 Nos)
Top School in Each Category (₹1 LAKHS CASH)
Runner-up in Each Category (₹25000)
District Toppers (28 Nos)
Top School: Manorama Books & Publications worth ₹15,000
Runner-Up : Manorama Books & Publications worth ₹10000
Individual Prizes
2 Bikes
Top Individual Scorers Across All Participants
(Worth 2Lakhs each)
19,000 Autographed Pens
Celebrity Signed Pens (Daily Lucky Draw Winners)
10 Cycles Per Week
Worth 2Lakhs each: Top Individual Scorers Across All Participants (Daily Lucky Draw)
180 Smartwatches
Weekly Lucky Draw Winners.
( 30 Per Week )
18 Gold Coins
18 Gold Coins of Half Gram
Weekly Lucky Draw ( 3 Per Week )
Tell Me Why Books
6000 Numbers
Weekly Lucky Draw ( 1000 Per Week )
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