Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024
Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024
  • Latest News

    Library Books - Coming Soon!

    Dive into the epic world of Attack on Titan with the first four volumes of this thrilling series. Witness the intense battles and incredible twists that have captivated readers worldwide! 

    Expand your horizons with our comprehensive collection of The Hindu Editorials, spanning from 1878 to 2022. 

    Thought-Provoking Reads

    • State of Play: India’s Tryst with Federalism
    • Change Makers: People and Institutions That Have Worked Against the Odds
    • Subramania Bharati: Writings in The Hindu
    • Table Talk: Conversations with Leaders Volumes 1 & 2
    • Mahatma Gandhi: The Last 200 Days
    • Cauvery: A Long-Winded Dispute

    Spectrum: The Many-Hued World of Science for Children : Ignite a love for science with this colorful, engaging exploration designed to captivate young minds.

    Don’t miss out on these exciting additions—reserve your favorites now

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