Thursday, March 13.
  • Latest News

    New textbooks to be published by NCERT for classes III and VI.

     The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has informed CBSE through a letter dated 18.03.2024 that new syllabi and textbooks for Grades 3 and 6 are currently under development and will soon be released. Consequently, Schools are advised to follow these new syllabi and textbooks for classes 3 and 6 in place of textbooks published by NCERT till the year 2023. Additionally, a bridge course for class 6, and concise guidelines for class 3 are being developed by NCERT for facilitating a seamless transition for students to new pedagogical practices and areas of study aligned with NCF-SE 2023. These resources will be disseminated to all the schools online once they are received from NCERT. The Board will also organize capacity building programs for School Heads and Teachers to orient them with the new teaching learning perspectives as envisioned in NEP-2020.

    There will be no change in the Curriculum and textbooks for other classes for the academic year 2024-25 commencing from 1st April 2024.


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