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    Library Books Coming Soon!


    Here are the new books that will be added to the library stock shortly.

    1.  What Not to Do If You Turn Invisible by  Ross Welford
    2.  Jane Eyre by  Charlotte Bronte 
    3.  My Father's Dragon: 1 by  Ruth Stiles Gannett 
    4. Kay's Anatomy: A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide to the Human Body by  Adam Kay
    5.  Favourite Stories of Courageous Girls 
    6.  Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo
    7.  Ajaya Duryodhana’s Mahabharata by  Anand Neelakantan
    8.  Touching Spirit Bear by  Ben Mikaelsen
    9. The Scarlet Letter by  Nathaniel Hawthorne
    10.  Their Eyes Were Watching God by  Zora Neale Hurston
    11.  Olympics -The India Story by  
    12.  Hatchet by  Gary Paulsen
    13.  The Crucible: A Play in Four Acts by  Arthur Miller

    To pre-book your copy, visit the Coming Soon Virtual Book Display

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