Question of the Day 7 - Answer and Winners
Winners: Aditi Krishna M S, 4A | Sreeya.P, 4C | MADHUSREE R, 4C |Anjali.B, 4D |Nia Muralidharan, 4D
13 students got the correct answer.
Secondary Section: Solve the Rebus puzzle above. How is it related to the library? What does a library catalogue search yield for your answer to the puzzle?
Ans:"To be or not to be"- from William Shakespeare's play Hamlet.
A search for "to be or not to be" would have got you the following result
Winners: Alfiya sulthana. N, 7B |Swathy Krishna M S, 6A |Fidha Rahman, 7D |Sruthi S, 8B |K J Cindrela, 8B
41 students solved the puzzle. Congrats!
Winners will get 10 points and the students who have given correct answer will get 4-9 points based on the answers given to the subsidiary question and citing the right source.
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