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    Articles/Poems/Stories Invited for School Magazine 2015


    Original contributions are invited from staff and students of KV Kanjikode for consideration for publication in the School Magazine 2015.

    You may submit articles, stories, poems, drawings and paintings, your reflections or experiences - in short it can be anything worth publishing in our school magazine.
    Remember, the entries submitted should be ORIGINAL. Do not submit entries copied from other magazines or books. 

    The entries for English Section can be typed in MS Word. Please use a standard font throughout your entry and use Times New Roman/Arial 12 pt font size. Do not type in ALL CAPS.

    Do not include any images/photos taken from the Internet or from any other source in the document.

    Your own artwork can be submitted in hard copy directly to the Librarian.

    The final entries may be emailed to magazine [at] kvklibrary.in 

    Subject line of your mail should be "School Magazine 2015 - ...................................."
    Fill the blanks with the category of your entry (Poem/Story/Article etc...)
    Do not send it to other mail ids of library or school. 
    Please note that entries send to mail ids other than the one meant for magazine and without a proper subject line may not be noticed by the editors.

    Contributions to Hindi/Malayalam/Sanskrit sections can be handwritten or typed and may be submitted to Mrs. Shailaja, TGT Hindi. 

    Please feel free to contact your teachers or the Librarian for any clarification.

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