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    QR Code to Get Your Issue History and Library Point Details

    The School has implemented QR Codes on the student identity cards to help you access your library points and issue history. Parents can assess the library usage of their wards by scanning the QR Code provided on the identity cards using any QR Code Scanner App.

    How to use it?
    If the camera on your smartphone is enabled for native QR Code scanning, you can just point your camera to the QR Code for 2-3 seconds. Otherwise you will have to download a third-party QR Code Reader App. There are many apps available, you may download a suitable one after seeing the reviews and ratings.

    Once the app is installed, open it. It will look like your camera screen with a rectangular frame in the centre. Just point it to the QR Code making the code inside the frame properly and hold for few second. No need to press any button like you are taking a photo.

    Once the scanner reads the code, a notification may popup (this may differ depending on the app you have downloaded) showing a URL on the scree asking you to open/browse the URL. Accept it by selecting OK/Open/Browse button to see the results as seen below
    Your comments/suggestions are welcome
    If you are facing any problem, contact the librarian.

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