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    School Bhuvan: NCERT - An e-learning portal for the students

    School Bhuvan is a portal providing map based learning to bring awareness among the students about country's natural resources, environment and their role in sustainable development. It is an initiative of Bhuvan - NRSC/ISRO based on NCERT syllabus. The portal is online now for the student community.
    There are three levels
    Level 1: Allows to create point, line , polygon with out attributes
    Level 2: Allows to create point, line , polygon and codify them as park, road, rail, pond etc.
    Level 3: Allows to create point, line , polygon and codify them as park, road, rail, pond etc and with sub categories, details etc.

    Registration is optional in Bhuvan. However, some features require registration. Registered users are having privilege to share the data, collaborate with other bhuvanites, Forum etc.
    Though the site says registration is optional, you need to register to access the portal.

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