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    Swachh Bharat, Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign Inaugurated at KV Kanjikode

    The “Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan” at KV Kanjikode began with a solemn assembly programme starting with a quote from Mahatma Gandhi on Cleanliness. This shall remain the central theme of the all the assembly programmes which shall be conducted in the Vidyalaya till 31-09-2014.

    The Assembly was addressed by a group of five students who expressed their thoughts on the insensitivity of the students in maintaining the cleanliness of the school especially the toilets and class rooms. The assembly was unanimous in its feeling that they did not lack any facility in the school and despite this if the school needed cleaning it was because of their lack of civic sense. The student body was motivated to seek the permission of the Principal to let them offer their services every month class wise to maintain the clean atmosphere of the school. The Principal has acceded to their request.

    Then the assembly was addressed by Ms. Usha Malayappan PGT (Econ) on the need for sensitivity in maintaining cleanliness.
    The Clean the Campus” programme began at 1300 hrs and went on till 1430 hrs as students reported promptly to the zone they were in-charge along with the leader-teacher. The dusting, removing of cobwebs  if found, weeding the garden, cleaning the class cupboards, removing of unnecessary clutter from all areas were the work completed effectively during this time. After this exercise the students were provided refreshment.

    A Committee has been formed to take this programme forward beyond 31-09-2014

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