Walk-in Interview for Appointments of Teachers and Coaches on Part-time Contractual Basis
केंद्रीय विद्यालय कंजीकोड़ में शैक्षणिक सत्र 2025-2025 के लिए अंशकालिक संविदा के आधार पर नियुक्ति के लिए शिक्षकों और प्रशिक्षकों का पैनल तैयार करने के लिए वॉक-इन इंटरव्यू दिनांक 07/03/2025 और दिनांक 10/03/2025 को विद्यालय परिसर में केविसं नियमों के अनुसार आयोजित किया जाएगा ।
Walk-in Interview for preparing panel of teachers and coaches for appointment on part-time contractual basis at Kendriya Vidyalaya Kanjikode for the academic session 2025-26 will be held on 07/03/2025 and 10/03/2025 in the Vidyalaya premises as per KVS rules.
SL No. |
1 |
Computer Instructor Primary |
Rs 21250/ |
07/03/2025 9.00 am Onwards |
2 |
Computer Instructor Secondary |
Rs 26250/- |
3 |
PGT(Maths and English) |
Rs 27500/- |
4 |
TGT(Science, Maths, Social Science English, Hindi,Sanskrit) Balvatika Teacher |
Rs 26250 Rs 21250/- |
5 |
Primary Teacher |
Rs 21250/- |
07/03/2025 9.00am Onwards |
6 |
Malayalam Language Instructor |
Rs 18750/- |
10/03/2025 |
9 |
Counsellor |
Rs 25000/ |
10 |
Nurse |
Rs 750/- per day |
11 |
Yoga Teacher |
Rs 21250/ |
12 |
Special Educator |
Rs. 21250/- |
- 1. Master degree from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in aggregate in concerned subject.
- 2. B.Ed./B.T./L.T/Bl.Ed./ any equivalent qualification from UGC recognized universities.
- Proficiency in teaching Hindi and English medium. 3. Working with computers is desirable.
- At-least 50 % marks in aggregate in any of the following;
- 1. B.E or B. Tech. (Computer Science/IT) from a recognized University or equivalent Degree or Diploma from an institution/ university recognized by the Govt. of India.
OR - B.E or B. Tech. (any stream) and Post Graduate Diploma in Computers from recognized University. OR M.Sc. (Computer Science)/ MCA or Equivalent from a recognized University.
OR - B.Sc. (Computer Science) / BCA or Equivalent and Post Graduate degree in subject from a recognized University.
- OR
- Post Graduate Diploma in Computer and Post Graduate degree in any subject from recognized University.
- OR
- ‘B’ Level from DOEACC and Post Graduate degree in any subject.
OR - ‘C’ Level from ‘DOEACC’ Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and Graduation.
- 1) Four years’ Integrated degree course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate ;
- OR Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subjects/ combination of subjects and in aggregate. The electives subjects and Languages in the combination of subjects are as under:
- 2) B.Ed./B.T./L.T/Bl.Ed./ any equivalent qualification from UGC recognized universities.
- a) For TGT (Sanskrit): Sanskrit as a subject in all the three years.
- b) For TGT (Hindi): Hindi as a subject in all the three years.
- c) For TGT (English) : English as a subject in all the three years.
- d) For TGT (So. Sc) : 1. Any two subjects from the following set of four subjects (Economics, History, Political Science and
- Geography). 2. Out of two above selected subjects History or geography is mandatory
- e) For TGT (Maths) - Bachelor Degree in Maths with any two of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Electronics Computer Science, and Statistics.
- f) For TGT (Science)- Botany, Zoology and Chemistry.
- e) 2) Pass in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET), conducted by CBSE in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose
- B.E /B Tech (Computer Science)/ IT / B C A / M C A / M. Sc. (Computer Science) / M.Sc.(Electronics with Computer Science component) / M.Sc.(IT) / B.Sc. (Computer Science)
OR - Bachelor’s/ Master Degree in any Science subject/ Mathematics from recognized university with Postgraduate Diploma in Computer application from government recognized university/ institute.
OR - Post-graduate degree in any subject with Postgraduate Diploma in Computer application from government recognized university / ‘O’ level from DOEACC.
- OR
- Post-graduate degree in any subject with minimum ‘A’ level from DOEACC
Remuneration: @Rs.1000/- per day for 2 hours
- Minimum MBBS and registered with MCI
- Full time diploma in Nursing from recognized Institution / Medical College and registered
- Proficiency in the respective filed
- Graduation in any subject or equivalent from a recognized university.
- One year training in Yoga from a recognized institution.
- MA/MSc/M.Com with B.Ed/M.Ed qualification diploma in Guidance and counseling
Very informative