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    Search Library Catalogue from Blog - Issue resolved

    The issue with the library catalogue search has been rectified and you can now search the catalogue from the search box provided on top of right sidebar of the library blog.

    You can search using the complete title or part of the title. Be careful while searching for the full title of the book, as any extra space or punctuation or spelling error may result in getting an No Book Found error message. 
    To ensure you get the search results, you may search for word(s) in the title you are looking for (it may yield other books having the given word(s) as part of the title). For example, if you are looking for the book "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days", you can just enter "dog days" and click search button. 

    Thanks to Nirupam, Class X for bringing the issue to my attention.
    Please feel free to inform the librarian about any problems/errors/issues you face with our website or blogs. You may also suggest any other facility you feel required on our sites/blogs. I will try my best.


    M Rahiman

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