राष्ट्रीय गणित दिवस - National Mathematics Week Celebration: A Celebration of GANIT
The school has conducted the following activities to celebrate GANIT.
On 22nd during the Morning Assembly,
§ The Portrait of the Mathematical Legend Shree. Srinivasa Ramanujan was garlanded by The Principal Smt Dr S Nalayini
§ Students of Class XI gave a presentation on the avenues open, if one were to pursue studies in Mathematics.
§ Sunandapriam, of class VI presented a Paper on ‘The Life Story of Bhaskaracharya’.
§ Students of class IX conducted the thought- provoking programme- KNOW OUR MATHEMATICIANS
§ Students of the Primary Section presented a Special Programme – The Mathematical Train
A maths Quiz was organized for class VI- X in which numerical ability, reasoning ability and observation skills were tested through various interesting rounds of questions. The questions were a true test of the students’ knowledge
Drawing Caricatures of Mathematicians for Class XI
Tangram Patterns for Class X
World Of Mathematics-Creative Writing for Class IX
Origami For Class VIII
Symmetrical Patterns for Class VII
Kakuro Puzzle for Class VI
On 22nd, an exhibition of students’ work (above mentioned) was organised in the Maths Lab
Besides these individual competitions, Group competition was conducted in filling up of bulletin boards with the theme ‘World of Mathematics’. An Exhibition of activities done in Mathematics by the students of primary section was conducted on 22nd December 2015.
Thus the Mathematics Week Celebration was effective in fostering the interest of the students in the various facets of the subject.
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