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    November 26- Constitution Day Celebration Online Quiz Winners

     India is governed in terms of the Constitution of India, which was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26thNovember, 1949 and came into force on 26th January, 1950. Schools will honour our democracy by celebrating 26th November, 2015 as the Constitution Day.
    The Vidaylaya celebrated Constitution Day on 26 November with special morning assembly program. The pledge was taken by reciting the PREAMBLE TO THE CONSTITUTION during the assembly.
    A Online Quiz was conducted for the students of classes VIII to X.
    Special Programme

    The winners of the quiz are:
    First: Rakesh R Nair, XB
    Second: Afrid Sulficar, X B
    Third: Sandesh S, X A and Aswin RK, X B

    Congratulations to the winners!


    Winners of Online quiz

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