Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024
Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024
  • Latest News

    NROER: A National Digital Repository for Open Educational Resources

    National Repository of Open Educational Resources offers resources for all school subjects and grades in multiple languages. The resources are available in the form of concept maps, videos, audio clips, talking books, multimedia, learning objects, photographs, diagrams, charts, articles, wikipages and textbooks.

    The National Repository of Open Educational Resources (NROER) is a collaborative platform, involving each and every one of us interested in children, teachers and education. The Repository will endeavour to bring together all digital and digitisable resources for the school system – for all classes, for all subjects and in all languages.

    The Repository is an initiative of the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and the Central Institute of Educational Technology, National Council of Educational Research and Training. Metastudio, the platform hosting the Repository is an initiative of the Gnowledge Labs, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education.

    The Repository organises its collections into a ever growing semantic map of concepts. The concept map itself is a learning resource for teachers, providing an opportunity for critically assessing the curriculum and aiding the construction of their own unique learning themes for their classrooms. The digital resources – documents, audio-visuals, interactive objects, images are mapped to the concepts. This enables access to a library from which teachers can choose appropriate resources.

    Each resource is tagged to related concepts making it accessible. Each resource can be downloaded. Each resource can be commented upon. Each resource is released for free use.

    The Repository has just begun. It has many concepts mapped. It also has many  resources. It will be our collective endeavour to grow it to encompass school curriculum. We invite participation.

    To store, preserve and provide access to variety of digital resources to teachers.
    To enable the participation of the community in development and sharing of digital resources.

    To enhance the quality of teaching-learning
    To facilitate teachers to create and share contextualized teaching learning resources
    To celebrate innovations in resource creation

    Terms of Use

    The NROER encourages members to adhere to principles that protect freedom, sharing, collaboration and socially acceptable protocols. Content on the repository is released under a Creative Commons license. Details of the license can be seen at Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
    • ensure that you are agreeing to host the resources under a Creative Commons license.
    • ensure that the documents uploaded are encoded using non-proprietary, open standards.

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